Spur Help Guide

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Add an Embedded item to the Media Library

1. Add embed code to the 'Embed Item Html' field

After clicking the 'Add New Media' button,  select the 'Embed' Item Type. Paste the desired embed code in the 'Embed Item Html' filed. You can also click the 'Refresh' button if you would like to preview the embed. Add the embed settings like Item Name and Item Description. Click the 'Save Media Item' button when done.

How to find embed code for a YouTube video?

1. Find video on YouTube and click the 'Share' button

Locate desired video on the YouTube website. Click on the 'Share' button (usually found under the video player)

2. Click the 'Embed' button

Click the YouTube embed icon to locate the iFrame embed code for the video.

3. Copy the iFrame embed code

Locate the iFrame embed code and copy the entire code (starts and ends with < iframe > tags)

4. Paste code into Embedded Item HTML field in Spur

Paste copied iFrame embed code into the 'Embedded Item Html field when uploading a new media item to the Spur Media Library. Then click the 'Save Media Item' button.

Updated Layout 8/4/2020*

Includes new field, Asset Source