Create a New Content Page
2. Select Page Type
Content pages are for all general content pages including the Home page. The News page is for a page with a news feed module. Section Landing pages are not content pages and only list links of a landing pages sub pages. A Link page is used to include an external link as a menu item.
3. Select Page Layout
Page Layouts display how posts are organized and broken up on a web page in specific Page Layout Sections. There are often separate page layouts for home, inner, and module pages.
4. Click the 'Add Content Here' button to add a post to a Page Layout Section
In each Page Layout Section, there is a button to add one or more posts to that section. This will open up the Posts List.
5. Select desired post from the Posts List
If the desired post is already saved in the Posts List, click on the 'Existing Post' tab to open the Posts List. Search for the desired post and click on the post's corresponding checkbox to place the post on the page. Repeat steps 4-5 until all desired posts are placed on the page.
6. Add Page Settings
Add the page settings by clicking on the 'Settings' tab above the Page Editor. Add the page title to the 'Title' field. This title also determines the URL of the page. To activate the page, check the 'Active' checkbox. To display the page in the main or sub-page navigation, check the 'Display in Menu' checkbox. Optional settings include Start/End dates which hide/un-hide a page on the website and the Summary which allows the admin to add a custom description for the page. This summary displays when a site visitor shares a page from the website to their social media platforms. Redirect 301s URLS, Restrict Content, and Page Path are managed by the NCBA Web Team. To learn about Restricting Content on pages, go to the Restricting Content section.
7. Publish Page
After completing the page settings, click the 'Publish' button to publish the page to the Page Tree and the website.
Create a News Page
- To create a new page, click the 'Add New' button.
- From the Page Type selection, click on the 'News Page' page type.
- From the Page Layout selection, click you site's layout for a News module.
- Add appropriate posts to the page and then go to the page settings.
- Add page settings. *Please notify the NCBA Web Team if you need to change the page title of a news page. Updating news type page titles are managed by the NCBA Web Team.
- Publish News Page. News posts will automatically populate on this page via the News Module.
Create an External Link Page
- To create a new page, click the 'Add New' button.
- From the Page Type selection, click on the 'Link' page type.
- Add the Link Title
- Select the 'External Site' Link Type.
- Add external URL to the 'External Link URL' field.
- Check the 'Display in Menu' checkbox.
- If necessary, add Start/End dates.
- Check the 'Active' checkbox.
- Click the 'Save Page' button to publish the link page to your website.
There are two ways you can add existing posts to a layout section:
- Single
- A single post is one you’ve created previously.
- Collection
- A collection is a filtered list of posts which match a set of criteria. When adding a collection, you can determine the maximum number of posts to display, which tags the posts must have, as well as a date filter.
Note: When adding a single post to a layout section, whether new or existing, you will not be able to also add a collection without removing the single posts first. Conversely, when adding a collection to a layout section, you will not be able to also add single posts to that section until you remove the collection itself. (Removing a collection does not delete the posts visible in the section, but instead will display each of them as an individual post.)
Edit Layout
To edit the page’s layout, click “Edit Layout” in the upper-right portion of the screen. This will give you an option to navigate to a specific section of the current layout or to choose a different layout.
Note: Changing layouts may require you to manually add posts back to certain layout sections.
To exit the page without saving, click “Cancel” at the bottom of the page.
To preview the page before publishing your work, click “Preview” at the bottom of the page.
To publish your page click “Publish” at the top of the page, which will save your changes and make the page live according to the settings you selected.